The Psila Protect range is an effective carrot rust fly solution for carrot, celery, parsnip and parsley root crops.
The granules for Psila Protect are impregnated with onion oil and diffuse their odour, naturally repelling the carrot rust fly. Positioned in the Spring, the protection lasts all season!
Carrot Rust Flies lay eggs at the foot of the plants in the late afternoon and early evening when the humidity is high. The larvae penetrate the roots of the carrots and dig tunnels that damage the growth and quality of the vegetable. Two to three generations follow one another during the season.
How do I install the traps?
4 diffusers/ha. If the pressure is high: put up to 8 diffusers/ha
30g of onion oil granules per diffuser is enough for the season
Place the diffusers around the plot, at a distance of about 50 metres.
In wide and deep plots (>100m), it may be necessary to place a few diffusers inside the plot (preferably in the same row)
Removal of diffusers one week before harvest.

3 years maximum
Renewal after 6 months in case of high pressure expected before the start of the 3rd flight (September): add 15g of granules for Psila Protect per diffuser.
Less manpower
Very easy to use
Season-long protection
Usable in organic farming