Thymovar is for the treatment of varroosis of honey bees. The active ingredient, Thymol supports bees in the fight against the Varroa Destructor mite. The evaporation of thymol creates concentrations in the hive air that are toxic to Varroa. Thymovar is ideal as a long-term treatment and as protection against reinvasion in moderate varroa infestation.
All castes of honey bees including, Queen bees tolerate Thymovar well. The product is easy to apply and gives long-term protection against Varroa mite re-infestation.
Thymovar is best used directly after the honey harvest.
For use on Nucleus, Single and Double Brood Chamber colonies.
Shelf Life
4 Years From Date of Manufacturing
When to Use
Spring and Fall
Before or after honey harvest, in the absence of honey supers
Pack Size
Sold in 10 packs
Remove honey frames for harvest. provide the bees with enough food for the treatment duration of 4 weeks. THYMOVAR strips will be cut or broken in two pieces for easy placement. Best results are seen at temperatures of 20 - 25 degrees Celsius and a distance of the strips to brood cells of 4 to 10 cm. Do start with a reduced dose when temperatures of > 30 degrees Celsius are to be expected in the first 3 days of the treatment and complete the dosage after three days to one week. Leave 1-2 cm space over the strips to allow good evaporation of the active thymol. Remove the strips after 3-4 weeks. After a pause of one week for replenishing of the food you start the second treatment.
Treatment Profile
Thymol works with a retarded action. Increased fall of Varroa will be observed after two days. Due to the long duration of the treatment Varroa mites hidden in sealed cells will be reached and exposed to thymol vapours as soon as they emerge with the newly hatched bees. For sufficient evaporation the elevated temperature over the brood cells is essential. Bees will retract from the strips when evaporation becomes too strong. This may lead to the buildup of bee clusters in front of the hive entrance on a hot day at the beginning of a treatment. Bees will try to remove the strips by nibbling the used sponge. In some cases the strips will be partly covered with propolis to reduce the evaporation.